Y2S1 - Finding myself
December 01, 2017I am currently an Accountancy student - and why accounting? I was so lost after I got my A'level results, I didn't know what I wanted, I thought I had a passion for teaching so I applied for a teaching scholarship (and got it, but rejected it after) after considering about how I'll have to take Science in NUS.. (omg I can't imagine myself going down that path, it's so... not me).
Well after 1 year + 1 sem in Accounting, I'd have to admit that, well, Accounting is something that is definitely.. not me and not what I want to do. I chose it because it was a practical degree, a safe degree that will get me somewhere in the future but I never truly liked it. (This situation is so common amongst my friends haha sigh) I went ahead with choosing this degree because I'm someone who never dares to do something out of the norm, I like being safe. And this mindset caused me to struggle quite a bit in University. I know a lot of people are struggling too, but it was making me so unhappy and I really wanted to change that.
After talking to countless number of people (and well thank goodness, very supportive friends/family), I decided to make a decision to switch over to a Business degree specialising in Marketing next semester (I know, there's this certain stigma about a Marketing degree, I've heard more than enough!! haha) but I suppose I'll really enjoy myself a lot more in that degree and hopefully make a living out of it in the future. I also understand that I could continue on with my accounting degree (+ how useful this degree is) and switch to something else in the future but hey, why not start on something I like now then sticking to something that I know is obviously not for me? I really want to make the best out of my Uni life, I want to be doing something that I enjoy. I know I can't be 100% certain that I would do good in my new degree but hey, at least I'm following my heart for once, and I promised myself to give it my all.
I am scared, terrified actually. My closer friends would know how afraid I am and how much I doubt myself (doesn't help that I'm a super indecisive person) In fact, I still am. Taking this leap of faith and doing something out of my comfort zone really scares me, and I don't know what will happen in the future but I truly hope that I'll be happy :~)
I hope that when I look back at this post in a year's time I would be in a much happier place with no regrets :~) and p.s. hopefully at exchange too!! *fingers crossed*